South-South Cooperation Community of Counter-Terrorism Practitioners

South-South Cooperation Community of Counter-Terrorism Practitioners

Community of Counter-Terrorism Experts from the Global South

About the community

The Community of Counter-Terrorism Experts from the Global South is a network of practitioners formerly known as UNOCT/UNCCT online Network of Experts from the Global South who have been exchanging ideas and good practices on South-South Galaxy, which is the virtual space for voluntary knowledge exchange managed by the UN Office for South-South Cooperation. It provided the Network with a source of learning that aimed at increasing opportunities for South-South and Triangular Cooperation in Countering Terrorism and Preventing Violent Extremism (CT/PVE), as well as providing openings for continued dialogue among countries of the Global South.

The community will continue these dialogues and exchanges by providing experts with opportunities for more specialized CT/PVE inputs.  It will allow members to:

  • Stay abreast of CT/PVE development/updates.
  • Share solutions.
  • Engage in consultations/e-discussions covering a variety of thematic related to CT/PVE, including relevant policy issues.
  • Share knowledge based on mutual learning.
  • Broker partnerships.

UNOCT’s Connect and Learn Platform will provide the Community access to:

  1. Experts’ good practices to strengthen collaboration at regional and international levels.
  2. Self-paced and online-based training to expand and deepen the topics explored during the activities implemented in the framework of UNOCT/UNCCT South-South Cooperation project and beyond.
  3. Technical and Informative Resources (handbooks, manuals, and other publications) to enhance experts’ understanding and application of relevant concepts.


UNOCT Connect & Learn