Gender and conflict analysis in ISIS affected communities of Iraq.

This gender and conflict analysis of ISIS-affected communities of Iraq aims to improve understanding of gender dynamics in the context of conflict and displacement. The report sets out to identify the differential impact of ISIS occupation on women, girls, men and boys in order to explore shifts in prevailing gender norms held by study participants in Anbar, Salah Al Din and Nineveh governorates of Iraq. It uses a large-scale household survey, focus groups and key informant interviews. The objective is to enhance the understanding of the social pressures women and men experience when aiming to conform to context-specific gendered expectations of masculinity and femininity, in order to derive concrete recommendations for gender-responsive and conflict-sensitive humanitarian and recovery programming. These include diversifying income opportunities; address stigmatization of men out of employment and promote the value of (unpaid) care work; increase peer and support structures for unmarried and single women; generate safe places for women and children to discuss issues; support women’s rights defenders; work with men and boys to promote alternative peaceful masculinities.